Christian Origins of the “Arewa” Northern Knot Insignia

by / Saturday, 06 July 2013 / Published in Articles, News

On the Northern Knot: What is it?

Ibraheem A. Waziri

July 6, 2013

NewsRescue-Many have asked that I should shed more light on the following I wrote in the essay, Re: Qur’an on the Resurrection of Jesus, which appeared in this column on the 26th April, 2013:

"As far back as the 14th century there were Christians, at least, in the area that constitutes the present Northern Nigeria. In fact the symbol, the mark, the identity of Northern Nigeria today is the Northern Knot which is an ancient form of a North African Christian cross. The records of history do not reflect many skirmishes even when the area decided to become Muslim with the subsequent contacts with the Arabs."

What I am saying is a significant part of Northern Nigeria was Christian even before the coming of the colonialists.  

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